04 Feb The House Helper List
Guest Blogger – Wade Gilley, Realtor
The House Helper List
If you’ve been in your home for a year or ten years, chances are you have met a plumber, an appliance service tech, landscaper, a handy neighborhood helper and maybe even a great babysitter. Those names can be part of the sales kit when it comes time to sell your house.
The contacts you’ve made over the course of living in your area, and your home, can be a real resource to a new owner and one more way to connect with potential buyers. Building that home helper list will take a few minutes of your time but it is based on your experiences. By offering that information as part of the house notebook, your recommendations demonstrate the care you’ve taken in maintaining your home. Providing these resource ideas can ease worries for relocating buyers, or new-to-the-market buyers, but the information from the past creates a place to start, a go-to list for some specialists who already know your house. That new owner may not use the list right away, but it’s there for the future–just one more way for you to say, “Welcome, enjoy good times in my house and neighborhood.”